We fund our accounts with bitcoin and then we pass around IOUs of lightning until we withdraw. Seems like eventually we will be KYC rugpulled for this type of thing (which sucks) - personally I can see most web apps integrating lightning like this in the future
We'll be exploring non-custodial solutions soon which hopefully relieve some of this pressure but I share your concern on long time frames.
My biggest fear frankly is that even facilitating non-custodial matchmaking will come under regulation that requires KYC.
Hmm, I've been thinking about this myself. I want to give Bitcoin to my customers as rewards points when they buy from me. I'm hoping that because the Bitcoin is a gift I'm not required to KYC as I'm not selling the Bitcoin, but man who freaking knows. I wouldn't be surprised if they passed a law saying you had to KYC anyone you send Bitcoin to outside of being a business, just being a normal person.
There is a reason to push against the KYC hegemony and we should steive to do our best in that fight.