I was thinking to myself last night, how will I live my life differently when Bitcoin reaches $100k or more? as @orthwyrm is posting here daily haha, but the answer is probably not much... ( I think this can be a good examination to see what you are not satisfied about life atm, and then WORK on it. )
And it reminded me how I thought so differently when I was in the crypto land playing the NFT things, e.g. there was one project I bought that reached $8k during the peak, and I have 8 of them, so it was about $64k.... but guess what, I didn't capture the peak profit, and to make things worse, it led to some crazy spendings ( I guess that's why it's called easy come easy go ) and just the idea of making money so easy and quick can change how you see value creation - I didn't DO anything but just being early there, then you started to think how smart you are... and this is dangerous! and I can understand why so many people hanging into the crypto land, the delusion and the greed really suck you in.
But now that Bitcoin has reached $63k, I don't feel much excitement tbh, not like I'm going to sell it for fiat, so what difference did it make? 1BTC is still 100M sats, my stash is still the same, and I'm still learning about Bitcoin every evening, it's insane how much you can keep learning about it - these knowledge are worth way more than the fiat gains if you really care about freedom.
And actually finding out new tricks and hacks made me more excited and so thrilling living in the future before others! 👀
Very little should change until $100M.
how about you - how will you live life differently when Bitcoin reaches $100k or more? And what's stopping you from living like that NOW?
My life wouldn't change much TBH. I like my job a lot and kind of have everything I want already.
@nemo once said something deep about contentment, but I forgot how did he say it,
I'm on the FIRE journey
The FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement is a lifestyle movement with the goal of gaining financial independence and retiring early.
heard about this few years back when I was a naive nomad 👀 and as we talked before, retirement is a fiat thing, the real goal is to find out what you enjoy doing and get paid to do that until the day you die.
For me, retirement is about saying goodbye to the clock-punching routine.
and what's stopping you to do that 👀 not sure about your age, but if I were you, I'd start to do something on the side to test things out ( and learning more skills ) then quit, life is short why waste it?
this was what I did a few years ago!
I enjoy my work (dev), but my life doesn't allow me to quit this job. Because life is short, I'm trying to achieve FIRE so that I can do what I want, when I want.