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Interesting Elon shares he owns: Tesla, SpaceX, BTC >>> Ether, DOGE
It would have been nice when Elon mentioned the power of memes and DOGE if Jack had called out the seriousness of real monetary inflation in developing nations.
This should be required for any cRyPtO jOuRnAlIsT to watch.
Yo what's up with the wBTC stuff
I haven't really looked at the full lineup but I'm hoping to be surprised by something I didn't plan to learn.
This post was featured on This Day in Stacker News.
I'm excited. He might not care about or fully understand BTC (he is busy creating world-changing companies) but a huge Elon fan. I find the F*CK ELON keiser stuff to be incredibly cringe.
What upsets me most is that he obnoxiously advocates for big blocks dismissing that small blocks have any upside. The L2 money transmitter stuff is also really underhanded.
True, but I think it's allowable for him to simply be wrong without being labeled a complete idiot. Many other smart people have been on the wrong side of history wrt BTC. I'm guessing he just doesn't spend as much time thinking about this stuff given his other commitments. He does happen to have a huge platform and enjoys being unfiltered in his communications.
Yeah, I just think people are protecting consensus from someone with a potentially outsized influence. Influence is a weapon in a consensus based system. Although I doubt any single figure aside from certain core devs have much absolute influence over consensus.