I visited a neat popup Bitcoin flea market in Tokyo near Jiyugaoka Station.
I loaded up my lightning wallet and ended up coming away with a few items. It was cool to see a mini Bitcoin circular economy in action!
Trust the Japanese to come up with cute mascots haha.
What LN wallet did you use?
Probably makes sense to pay in sats because erm, the yen is depreciating.
Would love to visit a BTC flea market in Japan one day. Thanks for stirring my wanderlust.
No problem. I was just trying out a basic custodial wallet "Blink" which worked perfectly.
I'd buy stuff from them too.
Just looked the area up. Jiyugaoka looks very interesting - and close to Shibuya.
That's another part of Tokyo we'll try visiting on our next trip.
You should visit other parts of Japan, such as Kyushu! Haha
Yeah it is a nice spot. Some good food and a cool neighbourhood.
I just briefly checked it out - 'Nice' is an understatement: It looks beautiful!
Thanks guys!
Is this flea market reoccurring? I'll be in Tokyo the last week of April. Is there a way to follow them?
Hey they have done done them before but I don't know how regular it is! Feel free to reach out to me when you are in town: twitter or Nostr
I think this model of a small flea market would work really well in other places too, does not have to be purely "Bitcoin" stuff even - just normal goods and handcraft that you would expect from something like a farmers market.
Very cool. Did everyone accept lightning or were some also wanting on-chain?
Everyone was on some kind of Lightning Wallet!
Super cool. Must be a pretty decent bitcoin scene there for something like this to happen?
What's with the "DAO" on the first poster?
DAO = Decentralised Autonomous Organisation. Basically a way of organising a group of plebs without using a state-sanctioned structure like a company.
Yes, which DAO is it referring to? Is it explicitly linked to a blockchain or is it more of an informal group?
Just an informal group I think!
This is way too cool!!! How far is this from Shinjuku
Maybe 25minutes? It is closer to Shibuya. Was just 1 day only. I think they will do more in the future.