What is your workout? Primarily weights with goal of more muscle mass? Any aerobic stuff?
I understand the mechanics of how the weight loss and muscle gain happens on this type of diet. But surely there are some vitamins and minerals you end up missing. Personally I question the long term affects, but hey, two years is a long time. I'd love to hear from you or someone after 10 years.
this territory is moderated
Plenty of people do this long-term with no ill effects. The only thing I supplement is magnesium because our soil is stripped of it anymore and I don't have a spring nearby. I'm sensitive to semi-low potassium levels (always have been), so I supplement with that when I'm working out a lot.
I've not worked out much recently because of work and the new baby, but that'll probably start back soon. I've done mostly powerlifting-esque workouts in the past, but will be switching to lower weight, higher reps (low total volume) when I start back so I can workout more often, and daily if I prefer, and experience less injuries.