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2 years of eating 2 ribeyes/day and nothing else:
  • lost fat & gained muscle without trying (before adding exercise)
  • incredible post-workout recovery
  • improved reflexes
  • brain fog disappeared
  • baseline (minimal) anxiety disappeared
  • insane energy
  • perfect sleep
  • perfect digestion
this territory is moderated
What is your workout? Primarily weights with goal of more muscle mass? Any aerobic stuff?
I understand the mechanics of how the weight loss and muscle gain happens on this type of diet. But surely there are some vitamins and minerals you end up missing. Personally I question the long term affects, but hey, two years is a long time. I'd love to hear from you or someone after 10 years.
Plenty of people do this long-term with no ill effects. The only thing I supplement is magnesium because our soil is stripped of it anymore and I don't have a spring nearby. I'm sensitive to semi-low potassium levels (always have been), so I supplement with that when I'm working out a lot.
I've not worked out much recently because of work and the new baby, but that'll probably start back soon. I've done mostly powerlifting-esque workouts in the past, but will be switching to lower weight, higher reps (low total volume) when I start back so I can workout more often, and daily if I prefer, and experience less injuries.
What made you stop? ... Or maybe still going?
I still so pretty animal heavy. I just splurge sometimes because wife. I have been getting more strict lately and have finally dropped ~20lbs.
What's your ribeye purchasing and cooking process? I'm not having a lot of luck with mine.
I'm not sure what you mean about the purchasing process, but I season with salt/pepper and either grill it or do reverse sear:
  • oven @ ~300⁰ for 30-45 min
  • put butter on skillet first, THEN set to high heat
  • once butter starts to caramelize, throw the steak on it for ~1 min each side
  • done
I just feel like I may have bought some not-so-great ribeyes.
So, you do it in the oven, THEN sear it in the skillet? Interesting.
Yeah, some feel that way, but sometimes the cooking process can fix that. Doesn't hurt to try other cuts too. Whatever works. I just prefer to stick with ruminant meats because they're most nutritious.
I buy a whole ribeye 12-15# and cut into 2” thick steaks (about 2# each). Salt each side with coarse salt. Sear each side about 3 minutes, usually still red/raw in the middle.