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Thanks for the features! On a scale of 1 to 21, how much does @k00b enjoy crafting the newsletter each week?
I used to draft a newsletter for several years and it became a bit tedious after some time. Certainly easier not needing to go hunting across the webs for all the content. But curious as a founder how much value it and SN live brings to your weekly routine.
I wrote a script a few weeks ago that does all the boilerplate for me. If I'm not distracted I can get it done in an hour:
  1. run the script
  2. move any truly meta stuff to top meta
  3. re-read and write 1-2 sentences for each of the top 5 stories
In general I enjoy it if I'm not overloaded with work otherwise or hankering to work on something else. It, along with SNL, put me in a weekly State of the Union mindset which is healthy I think, but it can be hard when I'm already tender from the work week. I would say they cost me 4-6 hrs/week on average if we account for my probably abnormal and high task-switching costs.
I wrote a script a few weeks ago
checks the github, script first committed 7 months ago
Everything alright there, k00b? Losing track of time? Haha
😂 months weeks what’s the difference
Time is relative 😜
The unappreciated benefit could be newsletters of the newsletters. The ability to a quarterly or annual edition based on an equal distribution of content over time.
Can say selfishly as a user, it really is worth those hours, but half a day a week is quite the investment. Perhaps you could post that as a bounty job each week if/when things get busy(er). Especially as you have now laid-out the methodology. But I suspect SNL is the bulk of those hours, in addition to ‘normal’ site usage.
Oh newsletter of newsletters is a cool idea!
I also appreciate the validation of the newsletter. No plans to stop and I hope I can keep doing personally.