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It will be something like this, similar to job-post type, but specifically designed to list any arbitrary product, service, or other thing for sale or offer and includes enough structured metadata to make them useful.
This poll has been automagically crossposted to nostr thanks to @bitcoinplebdev ... the result is not what I expected eheheh 😆
NOT SURE...33.3%
12 votes \ poll ended
this territory is moderated
I like this idea! it could interoperate easily with nostr as well via NIP-99
Yeah the poll/vote nip we use still isn't supported by most clients so it doesn't render very well on the crossposts at the moment 😅
We are following the spec though! lol
I like this idea! it could interoperate easily with nostr as well via NIP-99
I'm happy to hear it isn't a big deal as I thought, we probably just to make sure to use the minimum required fields for a listing to be crossposted. Important metadata to include are probably hashtags to categorize the Ad-post and images. A nice to have indeed will be the ability to change the status of the post active/sold and the frequency. This will enable subscriptions over nostr. Not something to underestimate.
Yeah the poll/vote nip we use still isn't supported by most clients
It was not expecting anything, just curious to test it out :( it's nice to see is crossposting.
Which NIP did you use specifically for the poll?
This is the furthest along nip for polls/votes, still not fully merged/implemented but we decided to just start using it and propagating the nip-41 notes early rather than sit on our hands and wait for someone else to do it
That will be interesting to see. So will be the votes submitted via nostr clients replicated when looking at the same poll on SN? Or there will be two separated polls (one on SN and another parallel on nostr)?
Not sure voting for polls on nostr cost 1sat, I don't think so. Paying 1sat for voting it's pretty fair and obviously omits any bot to interfere.
What's your thoughts on this?
So will be the votes submitted via nostr clients replicated when looking at the same poll on SN? Or there will be two separated polls (one on SN and another parallel on nostr)?
Two separate polls, we only write to nostr relays but currently never read from them iirc. Only NIP-57 comes into mind, but that's more sending events to us directly instead of us reading them from a nostr relay.
I wonder how this might fit in with @ad
Definitely not, it has a totally different approach. It's, or better I should say.. I was a specific account --centralized if you like-- that advertise external companies services, mostly fiat ones.
The Ad-post type as I'm envisioning is a classified type, but not only, it is an opportunity for SMB and entrepreneur people to advertise their products, services and whatever other stuff here on SN. And am not saying it should be limited to the ~AGORA, indeed, when the cross posting will be released, hopefully soon, Ad's will be ideally allowed everywhere. It will be the territory owner discretion to decide if allow the Ad-post type or not in the specific territory. @Ad failed because it is not personal, it's a reflection of the old fiat mentality approach, kind of old viral marketing, a residual from the 90s. Noting to do with P2P and free market.
I like you more and more...