I use YouTube Premium, primarily for audiobooks and YouTube music, but not having to watch ads when I do watch videos is a nice plus. I also have Kindle Unlimited, mostly being used by my kids, as they read a lot. I still use it to read every now and then, but I have many paper books to work through as well, so the Kindle books got put in lower priority.
I used to have Netflix and Disney Plus, but have gotten rid of both about 2 or 3 years ago, as I don't have as much time to watch movies or series and didn't find it worthwhile to keep paying for those services.
I believe subscription model will continue to exist where it makes sense and will become easier, more flexible, and have less friction when implemented over Lightning. I think it will be a mix option of pay per use at a higher price or subscription at a lower price. I already pay a subscription via Lightning to the nostr.wine relay and also on chain for my VPN service.
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Yes, YouTube premium kills all the ads and it's great. All other subs I can live without
I like using https://yewtu.be for free, or any of the other instances.
Brave, no YT ads...
Which VPN service do you use?