Good day everyone, this is my first post on Stacker news and its a pleasure to find this incredible discussion panel.
I got into cryptocurrency about a year ago but as I got burned I found my way to Bitcoin and have only really invested in that since. The journey went from "lets get rich quick" to really digging in and learning the use of bitcoin and the potential for the future of bitcoin. Ill spare the details but I ended up with the belief that bitcoin is inevitable (like much of you here, I imagine).
But how bitcoin changed my life is more indirect than a direct change. Although im no financial expert, I do now have some sort of idea of the world of finance and how money moves around the world, and how the valuation of money works. This has trickled into my career where I can now actually have a deeper understanding of financial meetings, which in turn is accelerating my growth in my field. This is just one example of a few.
I hope that one day Bitcoin directly changes my life for the better, but tell me how has bitcoin changed your life directly or indirectly. I love to hear personal stories of other bitcoiners journeys.
At first he believed that Bitcoin was not for everyone, only for people with money who could pay the withdrawal fees of the exchanges. I have always been interested in cryptocurrencies (sadly I was a shitcoiner because exchange withdrawal fees had never allowed me to hold bitcoin) I used to participate in faucets where I claimed sats (ej faucetpay) but never ended up having bitcoin. All of these lead you to have shitcoins.. but knowing Lightning made me change my mind and feel part of it.
I don't know how to express what I felt when I met the Lightning network, it gave me hope.
I know that some bitcoiners don't like Lightning so much but they don't realize how important it is for adoption, this allows anyone to have access to bitcoin (and not everything is to avoid fees) in my case I'm from Latin America and pay 30 $ of fee to withdraw my bitcoin seems like a scam to me.
When I first got into it I thought that maybe I was too late and treated it more as a game to make a few extra dollars while riding the wave. The dip back in 2021 I lost most of that "easy profit" but that's when I buckled down and learned about blockchain and bitcoin. Now im so certain on bitcoin I am buying when apparently the rest of the market is panic selling.
You gotta tell the people you know how to buy Bitcoin without using an exchange that screws you in this way.
Given me a reason to save! Not only for me but for the kids and our old foster kids and our friends and on and on
Most of my money that I would spent on bullshit has been going into bitcoin in the last 6 months
IMO... Bitcoin doesn't change your life. It empowers YOU to change your life. From there, the possibilities are infinite.
Couldnt have said it better myself!
Bitcoin give people's financial freedom and will make it for others too