A couple years ago I foolishly signed up for the Angus Reid Forum in Canada (they do a lot of the political, social polling and surveys in the country) because I wanted to respond to a survey regarding gun control in Canada.
Now they send me surveys all of the time. Most of which I ignore but I noticed one in my email that was a short survey and it was about sports/sports viewing, so I figured why not.
I start filling out this survey. Basic questions like what sports do you watch, how often, etc. Everything is working fine. Then I get a question that asks "do you watch women's sports" and it provides the following options (yes womens only, yes both womens and mens, no mens only and no sports at all). I do occasionally watch women's sports but it is pretty rare so I select mens only and hit continue. The survey then directs me to an error page "oops something went wrong, you will now be redirected out of the survey". It sends me back to the home screen, so I try to enter the survey again and get a prompt to the effect of "sorry it looks like you have already completed this survey".
So let's have some fun. Was it just a technical error or was it programmed to pitch out the "wrong think" responses?
Coincidence 42.9%
Conspiracy 57.1%
7 votes \ poll ended
I will loosely speculate "conspiracy". Whatever the survey is going to be used for, they may want to be able to cater decisions towards the tiny minority that has the approved behavior.
I was telling my buddy about it and he said "watch in a couple weeks we will get a news report saying 'new study shows 92% of sports fans watch womens sports' and then we will get a bunch of people calling for pay equity due to the 'clear and overwhelming evidence'".
Your theory isn't that crazy. They could have included the option: I rarely watch women's sports.
That certainly could be it. It would be interesting to know what the remaining questions were.
We will never know. Haha
This post sounds like something you'd find on a ~conspiracy territory 😂
Yes next time I come across a good one I will post there.