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Interesting developments in the whole Ukraine/Russia affair: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is happily spilling the beans on British war secrets, letting one of his frigates make embarrassing maneuvers and possibly he too is behind the revelation of his generals' plot to blow up the Crimean bridge. At the same time, the first rats leave the sinking ship. Is Victoria Nuland's resignation possibly the turning point in this story? Are decisive figures pulling the plug here before we slide into World War 3?
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This is interesting. Even exciting!
Yeah, something is up for sure. This whole thing stinks to high heaven. I've been skeptical from the beginning and the poor plebs are the victims being used and abused to gain/maintain wealth and geo-political control over a critical piece of earth. Most people have been completely psyoped on it. Its all so evil.
the so-called green party, the eco-pacifist party, is a particularly interesting object of study in germany. as in the balkan war, they managed to switch from pacifism to full blown war rhetoric within a day. disgusting disgusting communist gang
WOW! LOL. That is crazy. So a political party named "eco-pacifist" supported war... that's politics in a nut shell.
As background information, it is important to know that all German parties apart from the AFD have been cast by Davos/WEF.
I can also imagine that Chancellor Scholz is under massive pressure from German industry, which sees its skins swimming away in the wake of Merkel's policies. involvement in a war would then be the final blow that would cause everything to collapse. this country is completely fragile and perhaps Olaf Scholz is actually one of the few adults or one of those who have suddenly opened their eyes
The Nuland angle is weird. I can't imagine her voluntarily stepping down, so I wonder why she had to go.
no, this warmonger never resigned voluntarily. Who could it be? there are certainly forces in Washington, perhaps also at the Federal Reserve, who will do everything to avoid a major escalation with Russia and China. for a variety of reasons...
I feel this needs to be somehow connected to Trump polling so strongly (I'm not cheerleading). They know if Biden loses then the spigot for "endless war" funds is getting turned off, thus the right time to exit is now before it turns into a finger-pointing shitshow.
yes. i have felt for some time that there are a lot of defectors from the intelligence community and from the deep state. also, there is no indication that Trump and his people have any interest in escalating any war zone.
"Ten years ago, the Russians captured audio of Victoria Nuland plotting with the American ambassador to Ukraine about how to topple the Kiev government and install a puppet regime. Nuland was just in Kiev to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the coup. She was also bragging about secret plans to strike Russia in the near future, so maybe the Russians took the opportunity to celebrate the tenth anniversary in their own way by releasing this audio."
Thanks for this. People need to learn about these things
Victoria photo of evil
She will work for NGO based near Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦