This is really really scary. Seems high upside, low risk compared to robbing a bank.
I’m sure even targeting people with money on exchanges like Coinbase would be extremely lucrative 😧
Yep, this is why I FUCKING HATE LEDGER for their customer data breach last year.
Ultimately, this is a threat vector that can only be mitigated by hyperbitcoinization. When everyone uses Bitcoin, no single person will stand out as a target just for having a wallet.
Being a notably wealthy public figure, though, is next-level. That's where multi-sig, multiple wallets, good OPSEC, and general care for personal/home security become even more essential.
As I read this thread just saw parabolic guy tweet his purchase of 15 more BTC on Gemini (he apparently has an endless fountain of fiat). Wonder how often guys like that transfer to cold storage.
Interesting how we seem to be unbundling and then bundling back into the need for banks for multisig and other options.