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The Bernie Sanders and Liz not a Cherokee Warren playbook: blame everything on corporate greed and Trump
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Unfortunately, they'll probably manage to get some traction on the corporate greed talking point. May as well blame gravity for plane crashes.
Will moderate or centrist voters believe the corporate greed talking point?
Who are these undecided voters? People who voted for Biden but are not ready to vote for Trump?
Undecided voters should vote third party or unaffiliated or write in “undecided “
That's a good point. Maybe it won't fool anyone who wasn't in lockstep with the party already.
Maybe it will fool:
Women No college degree folks Age 18-29 Unemployed college graduates
Let's hope not, since that's the vast majority of people.
Let me revise:
  1. Women
  2. Age 18-29
  3. Unemployed