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Full Bitcoin Standard- frequent payment 23.5%
Lightning - HODL & some payment52.9%
Cold storage- just HODL11.8%
Exchanges or ETF paper Bitcoin promises 0.0%
Lightning- just HODL5.9%
Just Stacking in Stacker News5.9%
17 votes \ poll ended
I'm currently just stacking away what I can and also using Lightning for some online payments and tips.
That’s my goal! Got any good resources for places that accept Bitcoin? Not sure how to handle the tax aspect ? Here is what I see for places in the Midwest U.S.A. not much for physical locations. https://btcmap.org/map#6/43.00465/-90.26367
I don't have any good resources unfortunately, I'm sure there's something around though. That map is pretty interesting! Unfortunately I'm in the middle of a pretty massive empty spot in it!
There is a restaurant near me that is owned by a Bitcoin enthusiast, and they do take sats as payment. I'll have to mention that map to them the next time I'm there, maybe another dot will get added to the map!
Yeah I just sent the map to a running buddy of mine who I’m trying to orange pill. We don’t have much yet here, but it’s growing!
Mostly HODL (99% on-chain). The rest in Phoenix, spending when the opportunity presents itself.
Nice do you like Phoenix? I want to switch to it, as I’m on Exodus which has some high fees
Yes. I plan to stick with it until there becomes better features on Lighting/eCash/Fedimints that I can take advantage of.
Trying to live off this stuff
I'm more intrigued by the ability of bitcoin to bypass traditional publisher/creator routes.
At my current state of adoption my primary use is stacking to cold storage. So store of value for me right now. I have a few Lightning wallets but not much use yet
@DarthCoin as a follow up to yesterday. The stackers have spoken and the majority of us are HODLers. Hence why we are probably here to learn and engage more to get to a Bitcoin standard some day. Face it, you’d be lonely on here without us!
LOL you really don't get it...
You live in a fantasy world detached from facts and reality. Step away from your computer and look at the current state of the world. Relate that to your vision and help the world get there if you want to be a leader. If not, feel free to keep waisting your time and others!
Your idiocy in regards of Bitcoin is disturbing.
If you are trying to offend or get me off the site it’s not working. Your lack of ability to understand other human beings is disturbing and disrespectful. But I’m sure you relate to 0’s and 1’s well.
Oh and back to facts. Our founder Satoshi is the biggest HODLer of all, lol!