It’s 4.30am now. My baby girl woke me up at 4am. Now, I’m in this zombiefied state where I’m exhausted but my mind is racing, so I can’t fall asleep again.
But maybe that’s how the Universe works! Tbh I just learnt Markdown because @Coinsreporter asked how to embed a link within his text. Woah, did you know that I just always copy and paste the link here? Him finally asking my unarticulated question out loud made me stumble upon the answer: Markdown.
Here, I embarrassingly admit that I thought Markdown is this cute little feature exclusive to SN. That you learn it on the job here so as to make your posts and comments more appealing. I didn’t know Markdown is so established!
Apparently, people use Markdown to pen their thoughts in plain text files.
Also, you can use Markdown on Obsidian
My world has been expanded!
But I’m a clean slate. Aside from embedding a link and bolding something, I know nothing else. I probably can learn how to quote someone’s words if I try. What Markdown features do you normally use?
Why do you feel it better than plain old Microsoft?
Thanks, Stackers. Will now try to get some sleep before my real wake-up time 😅😂
Dr. Stacker's Ultimate Markdown Guide 🚀
Table of Contents
Text Formatting
**bold text**
*italic text*
**_bold and italic_**
Ordered List
Unordered List
Nested List
Links and Images
with backticks.Tables
for left, center, and right alignment.Blockquotes
Task Lists
Emoji Support
) to insert them.Appendix
**bold text**
*italic text*
1. First item
<br>2. Second item
- First item
<br>- Second item
1. First item
<br>- First nested item

<br> Block:```python `code` ```
> blockquote
Text with footnote[^1]
<br>[^1]: Footnote text.
- [x] Completed task
<br>- [ ] Open task
### Header {#custom-id}
<br>: Definition
<span style="background-color: yellow;">Highlight</span>
<div style="color: red;">HTML content</div>
→ 😃<figure><img src="url" alt="desc"><figcaption>Caption</figcaption></figure>
. ↩