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Are there any tools that I could use from a Linux terminal or Python's API in order to learn application of zero knowledge proofs? Akin to the way using openssl, ssh, and gpg improved my life and my OPSEC allowing me in the process to learn the basics of symmetric and asymmetric encryption. I mean useful and rather minimalist tools. I am not asking for shitcoins or bloated GUIs.
Try looking into SNARKs and STARKS and languages like Cairo, but I'm not sure if that matches what you will need...
I would suggest following the book and examples to build your own cryptography library, then go from there.
You can also find code examples of ripemd160 and sha256 hash algorithms in python.
That will give you the tools for most ZKP applications.
You can also ask ChatGPT to write you the code for certain cryptography primitives, and then you can refactor it to your liking.
Not for cli but the absolute basics are pretty easy to calculate yourself. E.g. calculating a discrete log. Or the Rivest-Shamir-Wagner Time Lock Puzzles. Or proof-of-posession with hash functions or merkle trees. Takes 20 lines of python code tops.
However, not advisable for real life opsec. More for learning and out of interest.
You mentioned symmetric and asymmetric encryption. Have you considered signature schemes as well? Very rarely usecases for zk-proofs actually need more than asymmetric signatures.
you could play with noir