I don't know. I just shut it down. I was just making sure it was working. I am moving it to an animal free spot What do you get? I was going off a video I watched. I'm a novice. All advice is appreciated. And yes, you'll get your finder's fee.
This is my Braiins pool dashboard for the BitAxe ultra
I am not on my home network right now so I can’t verify the config settings it’s running, but I believe I just took the standard/default as provided by the software. As you can see in the dashboard, I average a little under 450 GH/s.
One thing to note is that there is often a discrepancy between the reported hash rate on the device itself and the calculated hash rate as reported by the mining pool you submit your shares to. As I understand it, the mining pool calculates hash rate based on your shares submitted, whereas the hash rate on the device itself is closer to the hardware level. In practice, they’re usually pretty close, but usually the number from the mining pool’s perspective is a bit lower.
Let me know if you have other questions! I’ve only had this particular miner for a couple months. I’ve had my other unit running since last summer, so I have a little more experience with that one.
This is helpful. Thanks. I have some work to do.
You’re welcome! Welcome to the miner club
Is it loud or warm?
Braiins pool includes blockstream mining note
The BitAxe makes noise but I run it in my office where I work most days and it doesn’t bother me. There is hardly any heat to notice, in my experience