You got me thinking. TBH, I don't have any such products, if the definition suggests that they should last a lifetime. In case it's about durability, I have a bunch of things.
  1. A Carrom board (yeah, it was made of real Teak and it was a gift from my father on my 10th Birthday)
  2. My first Bike. It's still pretty. Now a days I ride it less but taking care of it like everyday. (That's kinda habit.)
  3. All my books ever since from my High school time. I have a book shelf, a tiny library room in my house. (And you know what I pick one of them randomly and it lets me live my old days again)
You would ask me if these won't last with you for over 50 years. I only say, I can't say. These are after all things, what if I treat them as human companions.