a little fun idea to open up your mind - where do you think the nomads paying taxes to?
Do you have any evidence who the nomads pay taxes to? I assume they do in fact pay taxes to someone(s).
everyone is different, and it depends on their understanding of how the system works after all the exploring ( and no one can help them if still being an obedient citizen ) , also how they plan their work and life, but generally way less or even zero.
You are right everyone is different, so asking the question "where do you think the nomads paying taxes to?" doesn't make any sense. I don't think nomads pay less taxes than non-nomads, but if you have the data to dis-prove that, please show.
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Not only do you risk prison but you also risk undermining the institution that builds our wonderful roads and indoctrinates our kids in public education.
I love that in addition to your website you are now doing the same on stacker.news via comments. A+
I mean being a statist is worse than being a shitcoiner. They should be made fun of relentlessly.