We adore them, we love our paws. This isn't alone because they're so cute and wonderfully able friends to humans. This is also because, they would miss us everytime we're away from them. The intensity is 'missing' is however variable.
Dogs being definitely much more capable of missing but that's not the only crietria to love them. Cats are highly capable of adventurous solitude. Anyways, I love both of them and I know you love them too.
I had a cat who would stand by the door waiting for me to come home, demanding affection as soon as I walked in. You never know.
That's not about when you're with them. It's about when you're away.
I should have explained. My wife said the cat would stand by the door until I got home. He had an idea of generally what time I would get home.
Wow! That's a freaking doggish cat! She must be cool like cucumber then?
He died last year at 19. He was a strange cat, a mix of aloof and affectionate
Sorry to hear about it! Though 19 is quite longer than the average.
He had a good run. Now I have this guy:
This guy looks a little whaky angry dude from Vegas. But lovely.
😻 Donnie and I have bonded since he was only 6 weeks. It's just me and him here most the time, so I'm all he knows. I love my little buddy!!