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Since I'm in Brazil, I'm particularly interested if anyone has recommendations on good apps that provide cards to allow you to spend bitcoin as fiat.
I tried using The Bitcoin Company, but for some reason, apple's wallet just won't add their card. I made an account with crypto.com and I was successful there, but I honestly wish I didn't have to use them, since they're constantly pushing crypto crap on me.
Ideally, I'd like to know how people do to pay bills and good recommendations of applications similar to TBC that might get me a card or something of the sort.
Or if you have a completely different solution, let me know!
Meet Bitrefill, your new best friend: https://www.bitrefill.com/
Big fan of bitrefill myself.
The thing is they are out of stock for my country and sometimes it’s only spendable online.
Se vc não se importar com KYC para valores pequenos, agora dá pra enviar PIX direto do app da Bipa.
Não usei ainda mas parece prático. Pelo q entendi quando eles anunciaram, não precisa nem ter o valor em reais, pode estar tudo em sats q eles fazem a conversão automaticamente.
Aí eu vi valor. Francamente, não me importo muito com KYC uma altura dessas. Mesmo porquê parte desses boletos que quero pagar são DARFs que têm QR code de pix kkkk Um tanto quanto irônico, mas é isso. Vou dar uma olhada nessa empresa
DARFs que têm QR code de pix ... Um tanto quanto irônico
Francamente, não me importo muito com KYC uma altura dessas
É, eu tbm não ligo muito, não. Prefiro sem, claro, mas qdo não tem opção bora de kyc, mesmo kkkk
Fix o cadastro com o Bipa. Muito bom. Tirando o KYC. E, poxa, podiam exibir o saldo em sats e não em reais. Ou então me dar a opção de mudar kkkk
Verdade, isso me incomoda tbm. Pra ver o saldo em sats tem q rolar a tela "Investir" láááa pra baixo. Tem a opção de mudar a Unidade de Exibição pra SATS ao invés de BTC tbm
Eu uso o https://www.xapobank.com/banking-services/global-debit-card no Brasil. Permite gastar bitcoins usando o cartão, e eles também suportam a lightning. Se tiver interesse em abrir conta com eles e tiver interesse em uma código referral, só falar aqui que mando.
Rapaz, eu abri o site mas quando li o setor legal fiquei cismado kkkk Vou olhar mais a fundo e qualquer coisa te peço o referral. Obrigado!
Ah cara, legal. Me diz uma coisa: como você faz pra pagar os boletos, por exemplo? Ou no caso vc so compra o BTC e deposita lá?
Eu vivo de dólar e bitcoin, deixo uma parte lá em Dólar que rende 4.60% anualmente e o rendimento é pago em sats.
Setor legal?
Sim. Assim que entra tem um pop up pra vc ler os disclaimers deles. Ai pensei "bom, provavelmente estão só se precavendo de processos, e como são de Gibraltar, vou ver se não tem algo mais simples do lado de cá" kkkk
Sim, são um banco regulado em Gibraltar. Mas são bem confiáveis e pró bitcoin. Muito melhor que esses scams tipo crypto.com, rs.
Swapix não precisa KYC
I've been using the Bitcoin Company visa card a couple times half a year ago here in the EU and purchased one again recently, to encounter the same problem as you, google pay wouldn't let me load it. It seems some new law went in the way since then (3D something). It was asking me address and name which the card obviously hasn't while "trying to contact my bank". Contacted all sides which, with no surprise, bounced back the issue to each other and telling me to contact them, quite a pain. I ended up using it to get a gift card on amazon.
Using bitrefill lately and works smooth but indeed, like said in the comment, it's the same as selling for cuckbucks. Doesn't further anything.
I sometimes try to orange pill small shops around (especially those who are more likely to not care about taxes, like night-shops, restaurants and mechanics) or at least just quickly ask if they may accept it, just to pike their curiosity. Sometimes if they don't plain reject it, I explain that all they need to do is to dl a wallet but then I mostly encounter laziness or whatever excuses. Also I don't always have the right mood for it.
Lately the best has been to let friends pay then reimburse them with sats. Or just ask them for some fiat against sats.
Btc maps is cool and there are online goods that accept it and it's usually nothing you can eat. There is also https://shopinbit.com/ , don't know if it works in Brazil.
So, not any better solutions that I could read here already I guess. Best is indeed to succeed to orange pill small commerces around and friends who produce needed goods, difficult and long term job and some people are also just better at convincing, I'm not that good, haha.
I see. Good to know. I'm thinking that, indeed, here in Brazil it's the same. Probably got stuck in some KYC issue and I'll have to spend that money on Amazon or something.
I'll take a look shopinbit, but I am starting to think my best bet is to just orange pill my immediate friends and maybe some merchant I might have more familiarity with, although I'm generally the type of customer that just grabs what he needs, pays for it and doesn't chit chat much hahaha
Yeah about the visa card from Bitcoin company, I want to add that I was particularly disappointed by their lack of help towards fellow bitcoiners even though I understand they indeed couldn't do more. But all the other services were just nicer and trying harder.
Amazon gift cards are actually some sort of trick, because for some reasons they aren't enforcing those laws and the good thing is that you can top it with a very exact amount. There's even a way to buy bitcoin with them, which would have been a way to get back the "money" with it but I forgot how exactly.
Indeed, getting commerces around you is the best. And same, the chit chat is quite a step. What can be nice could be to print a small prospect with quick info and way to a wallet. What's good to sell the idea to them is that accepting btc is actual free advertizing, since it's in fact a new market that's opening to them, rather than a conversion of their usual income but also because bitcoiners send other bitcoiners there, plus if they get added to btcmaps or other similar services.
Anyhow, wish you (and all of us) good luck .)
Xd feels strange, I thought I had written this post. I’m in the same situation and tried the same things! I came to two solutions: orange pill local shops (but they will stop accepting crypto if demand is not high) or strike offer us a spendable Visa card like Binance did in the past. Xd
Thanks. The article on paying bills gave a lot of options, although I'd have to go the robosats or local coin swap route. Which is fine, even though I'd rather not have to ask someone else to pay my bills if possible.
Be that as it may, good to know I can use those services like that
I live only using BTC from 2018. I earn in BTC, I spend in BTC, I hodl BTC. No more fiat and banks.
Is it hard? YES. But I will never go back to fiat. NEVER. Part of my expenses are directly in BTC (groceries, rent, electricity, internet and some others). Part are paid via friends: I gave them sats, they pay my bills in fiat. We help each others.
The whole important point is TO START EARNING BTC. If you are still buying sats with fiat, your struggle will be acute because your mind is still trapped into fiat mindset.
Sadly that's my situation. Currently trying to get paid in sats, but that might be a while yet.
As for the bills, I had not thought of going to friends. Considering I'm helping them get into bitcoin, I might go that route, actually.
Keep posting on SN. You're earning sats already.
Haha true. Maybe make this a full time job lol
I'm basically trying my best to create a local Bitcoin economies where I'm and spend Sats for regular things like (food and beverages, barbers, transportation, we have a Bitcoin bar 😜, etc). If you're wondering where near you can find such merchants, please refer to BTCmap
If you ask about online merchants who accept Bitcoin, one used these and I'm glad about their services
Bitrefill, The Bitcoin Company, SatsBack
I mainly use Bitrefill
I live in Brazil and I opened an account in https://www.xapobank.com/banking-services/global-debit-card So I can spend bitcoin using Xapo card. And Xapo support lightning too. If you have interest in open a Xapo account and would like a referral code, tell me. Thanks
https://www.qerko.com/ offers Bitcoin Lightning payment in hundreds or thousands of restaurants in Europe.
https://www.alza.de/ also has Bitcoin Lightning as a payment method. They are basically like Amazon, they sell everything.
That's awesome. Although I don't live in Europe, will forward it to some friends!
FYI just tested both in the Czech Republic. I assume it works in other countries but not 100%.
BTCMap.org especially when traveling to find local merchants.
Oshi to buy online from merchants who are usually holding the Bitcoin and trying to build a circular economy with it. Higher integrity merchants. The caveat here is that Oshi has been going through a lot of changes recently. They seem to be phasing out their mobile app and opting to be more web based. So, keep that in mind when using them... there may be bugs and clunky UI for now.
I try to avoid using the gift card sites such as bitrefill because they support altcoins and the merchants are getting paid in fiat. It doesn't make a stand the way paying in Bitcoin does. It doesn't further the revolution. We should want to support merchants who understand the value of Bitcoin, and boycott those who don't.
That's actually a pretty good point concerning the giftcard sites and I never really liked them that much precisely because I'm not really transacting with the merchant. Just trading sats for <$corporation> bucks.
If I can find merchants that take BTC, either physical or online, I can at least reduce my fiat spending to a minimum.
Aside from DarthCoin's suggestions concerning bills, there are some things that I just cannot say no immediately to them. But I'm really liking all the answers since these are resources I can use as I gradually move my personal finances away from fiat as much as I can.
Cash app is pretty good. It supports lightning, a debit card, and it is bitcoin only. Its like a bank account. You can even deposit cash at many places and purchase or sell bitcoin on the app, super easy.
TheBitcoinCompany rewards auto withdraw to my SN wallet, can login with paynym.
Not everything can be paid in bitcoin nowadays. But one can make an effort to find alternatives (when possible) that accept Bitcoin (lightning is preferable).
I wish I was using it for more.
Adoption on vendor side is is muuuch slower than adoption on buyers side.
Beyond those vendors that accept Bitcoin for the sake of using "Bitcoin accepted here" as marketing, there is very little. It's not yet reached normie sellers of goods and services.
Some I use fintrust or advcash
Doesnt Novadax offer that service ?
So, I use novadax and I did see they had a debit card but, apparently, the issuance has been suspended indefinitely. At any rate, I was unable to get one via the app. The link in the banner doesn't work
I dont use those services, but you have Xapo Bank offering similar service,
CL card linked to ledger.. Binance revolut..
just use a lightning wallet or ecash and scan the QR
easy and fast
if you really want a card, you can set up an NFC but you might need to help your merchants with app setup on their end
for online you could use wasabi "buy anything" service
But how would I do that in a supermarket that doesn't accept btc much less lightning? If the merchant already accepts btc, than yeah, sure. But for groceries, for example, both places I go do not take btc as payment, so I have to be able to use some service that does the conversion for me. Or just sell sats and by with fiat...
Convince all merchants around you to accept BTC, help them, teach them. Took me years to do that, but worth it. It is your duty to help them if you really want to make things move forward into this direction. Be the change if you want the world to change.
I mean, sure, I can do that for the small ones, which I will, but there are things I need to buy in stores similar to walmart, target, etc. big chain stores. Those I have very little influence on and not going to them isn’t an option for me yet
Fuck big chains! The small ones are the most important, for you and for Bitcoin. Bitcoin adoption start from grass roots, not from the top.
I convinced a small grocery shop to accept my sats and now I buy ANYTHING I need from them, even that they do not usually sell that item in their shop. They are willing to bring me anything I want just because I pay them in sats. And I get also a discount.
btcmap for local businesses.
and bit refill
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