I agree with pretty much, if not all, of what you wrote. It infuriates me no end. I think we are a rare breed lol. I get what you are saying about people not thinking about it - or allowing themselves to think about it. We are not taught to have our own rational thought and if we ever do entertain a curious questioning we are psyoped back in line with fear of "wrong think". Like you said "I think most people are just uncomfortable questioning things we aren't supposed to question." This is the main problem. The grubberment psyops everyone and then the brainwashed citizens "police" and moderate their fellow citizens. Anyone looking like having wrongs thoughts are pounced on and bullied - usually called something with "ist" on the end of it. I have mostly given up trying to discuss most things that require any kind of critical thinking skills as most people seem to be incapable of entertaining the thought of ever being wrong and that the info they've been fed their whole lives could be BS.
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