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Other cryptos do things better in some aspects. Other blockchains have gotten rid of the fee volatility/high cost, ridiculous times to confirmation or if you'll even get into a block, ect. So yeah, they'll be around way longer than Bitcoin will IMO especially if lightning doesn't absolutely take off.
Lets dig into that, what are they top key values that altcoins are supporting that Bitcoin isn't?
  • Speed and cost - there are L2s for that (Alts you're trading throughput for centralisition, smaller networks since you can't use it as widely as bitcoin, regulatory risk, friction to move between chains and payments) - Just because the cost is delayed or unknown doesn't mean you can discount them to zero
  • Speculation - As I've said options markets can help with that
  • Representation of cash flows - We already have that its called stocks, ETFs and other securites
I've yet to see an altcoin offer a trade off that can beat bitcoin or a Bitcoin second layer as the better option and trust me I've gone through a bunch of them and I've yet to see an altcoin that securities companies would migrate to, I think thats a goal for the private blockchain space and developers and thats not something thats going to be publicly sold to speculate on
Yikes! There is no other blockchain/timechain. Cryptos are just centralised and morally questionable companies piggy backing on Bitcoin's success.
LOL, sure... You probably need to learn a little more about all the other shitcoins.