In 2024 FYTD, the U.S. federal government has collected 1.86 trillion USD in revenue and spent 2.68 trillion USD. And it’s the election year.
Cumulative spending looks like this
The government spending
And that's only the official data! I truly believe it'san orders of magnitude more than that 💰
What makes you think that? I mean I have zero trust in the governments but faking that big numbers would not be easy, I guess.
Lol 🤣 they managed to spam a fake COVID data for 3 years so why do you think the can't fake the "big numbers"? 🤔
The annual budget will never reach pre COVID level.
COVID created a new baseline for spending
I would say covid accelerated the spendings. Check this nice post by @BitcoinIsTheFuture.
Yeah, I better don’t start the discussion about covid as I have a strong feeling that this would not end well :)
If the feeling is so strong then don't 🤝
It's pretty clear they aren't adding for the POTUS EXPENSES. OTHERWISE, IT would be much more thatn it is currently
Is income security a new word for welfare or unemployment insurance?
They renamed Medicaid as health
Deficit and more deficit.
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That's good to see that they have spend more on health and social security
Health is deceptive. The biggest health expense is Medicaid which is insurance for the indigent. Many if not most doctors do not accept Medicaid because the reimbursement rate is lower than private insurance. The subpar quality of Medicaid recipients is another reason for not accepting it
You mean to say that they are wasting it here and they should apply it to other categories?