Yes is a good series. You will learn a lot from it. But try to do it yourself, in stages. Is fun and you will experience good things about yourself.
I still remember making my first bow drill and getting that first ember… actually quite life changing. Self-reliance (like responsibility) is clearly unfashionable these days.
I haven't watch it yet, good?
Is good, but is quite long. And is for real, no script. One guy once won the challenge but he didn't want to go back home. The producers took him with force out. He wanted to stay longer because he started to thrive.
There was a guy who had a lot of smoked fish, but he was so skinny that the doctors took it away. He was in saving mode and it screwed him over.
maybe "home" feels like a cage when you got those skills and want to be free.
Yes, exactly, I think he said something like that. Worth watching that episode.
I really enjoy this show, and it doesn't seem as staged as 'Naked and Afraid'...
My favorite was the one with Rolands... Rock House. They also have some really good female survivalists on the show. If you're into this kind of thing, it's definitely worth watching.
There are some good gems in there. People need to take heed that even with the knowledge, equipment and an idea of what to do - things can turn against you and you still make stupid mistakes which compound and can hurt your chances. These shows demonstrate that quite well.
Couldn't have said it better myself, you're right.