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From the official transcript:
MR JUSTICE MELLOR: Thank you. Well, I thank all the parties for their written closing and oral arguments, and they've been very helpful indeed. They will require me to prepare a fairly lengthy written judgment, which will be handed down in due course. And for all those who have already been hassling my clerk as to when the judgment will be ready, the short answer is as follows: it will be ready when it's ready and not before. However, having considered all the evidence and submissions presented to me in this trial, I've reached the conclusion that the evidence is overwhelming.
Therefore, for the reasons which will be explained in that written judgment in due course, I will make certain declarations which I am satisfied are useful and are necessary to do justice between the parties. First, that Dr Wright is not the author of the Bitcoin White Paper. Second, Dr Wright is not the person who adopted or operated under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in the period 2008 to 2011. Third, Dr Wright is not the person who created the Bitcoin System. And, fourth, he is not the author of the initial versions of the Bitcoin software. Any further relief will be dealt with in my written judgment. I will extend time for filing any appellant's notice until 21 days after the form of order hearing, which will be appointed following the hand down of my written judgment and I ask the parties to seek to agree an order giving effect to what I have just stated. So I'm afraid, for any further information, you'll to wait for the written judgment.
"Yea nah, I'm gonna keep holding my BSV. They didn't prove he's not Satoshi" β€”Some BSV cultist somewhere
(this post is not even a joke)
How much time and money was spent for the outcome that everyone obviously knew?
Is he going to prison?
He's also not Spartacus.
What an asshole. He should be in jail.
Some thoughts after reading the responses:
Being a clown isn't relevant to the very real chilling effect he's had on developers working on Bitcoin Core. The financial toll of his BS is calculable (many $ millions) but the mental health toll is not. There were some actual issues to be tried here about the duty of open source developers but it doesn't look like this will play out long enough to litigate those.
I think a real reason that he has got so far in this farce is that he is a clown, but it took some people with deep pockets that were willing to sink their time and money into this to achieve this result. It's easy to dismiss him but someone had to invest in putting a stop to it.
How is his biggest simp Kurt from gorilla pool responding?
In other news:
Scientist declares water WET!
Who here thinks that now the time has come when Satoshi reveals his identity?
My fortune cookie told me that with a lot less effort.
The sad thing from this is that we will have less memes with CSW. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
wooo. thank you government overlords!
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It would be a total mindfuck if sats now moved from one of Satoshi's wallets and the OP_RETURN field contained the message: "Craig Wright really is me, aka Satoshi Nakamoto". Of course, this is the proof that was requested all along...
No need to unnecessary pollute blockchain, he could have just signed message with the key.
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