I really hate arguments started and framed by people coming from a place of bad faith, which is most critics of Bitcoin mining's ecological footprint. My general response to them is to point out how bombing people funded by money printing is significantly more harmful and that they should explain to me how Bitcoin defunding the war machine is bad. Then if they don't want to have a real conversation, I go on a tangent about how Bitcoin will eliminate banks and how much wasted energy is caused with all these skyscrapers full of bankers, laundering money for cartels and terrorist groups.
  1. E waste is a genuine concern, but shouldn't be a reason to condemn Bitcoin mining. It's a macro problem that creative people can solve. You could say public education is a travesty because of E waste from all those terrible Chrome books they're giving kids today.
I think it's fair to take fair criticism but the people who lob nonsensical arguments about nothing need to be mocked and exposed for who they are.