So people need to know what the PODCONF industrial complex is. It is a circle jerk of VCs, influencers, and industry individuals seeking to extract value from Bitcoiners while also being compliant with government officials in DC. They want you to believe this is the only way, but it is not the only way. Bitcoin is about routing around the people that own the PODCONFers.
Abe Lincoln abolished slavery in the US, but what do you call the relationship with the state where you have to pay taxes on everything, including the air your breath, and if you don't you get thrown in a cage. You have zero say in what those taxes are used for, and most of the time they are used for horrible things like throwing people in cages or bombing brown children in the middle east. You likely never voluntarily entered into this contract and were most likely born into it.
It's actually a bit offensive to hear from individuals that working with government is the path forward. Just because they have an imaginary title called "authority" does not make it appropriate for them to break natural law.
The PODCONFers will put their bags before their morals because they think the route they are taking is safer. Continuing to give thieves and war criminals more control is not the safer route. It is the more dangerous route because it ensures that their systems will continue to exist. Do we have to wait for war, mass starvation, and more lockdowns to realize, "Hmm maybe compliance was not the answer?"
It is time for the men in the room to throw away their vapes, get a pack of cigarettes in their hands, and begin using Bitcoin to subvert the state in every way possible.
I dunno, man. Maybe this works in the US which has freedom in its roots, but here in the commie superstate of EU, what they think they are owed, they will take by force.
Bailiff will come, with guns, if necessary, and "repossession" your car, your house, and your TV, and your company equipment. No amount of protesting will change that, because noone will be asking your opinion.
Unless widespread noncompliance occurs (and the sentiment simply isn't there yet), individuals are dealt with effectively.
Unless widespread noncompliance occurs
That is "heard thinking", like "if the neighbor do not start it, I would not..." You are just waiting for things to happen. That's not the way. Somebody have to start it, somewhere, somehow.
I always do my best and never obey anything that is imposed on me. I get arrested (aka kidnapped) ? Fine, 1 night in jail and then I am released. But I will never give up on my freedom and sovereignty, by being obedient and compliant.
I removed myself from the system. How? By declaring myself sovereign individual. Is it easy? NO. Is a long process. But any time I get harassed by gov agents thugs I show them my papers and they let me free. The local police already know me that I will always win in front of a judge, so they don't even bother to stop me. This is how you earn respect as a sovereign individual.
Yes, I'm waiting for things to happen, because the first ones to throw themselves against the state will be summarily dealth with, and I have a family to care for.
What are those "papers" that you show to government agents? Why can't they just take you to court effectively? And I'd really want to know where the word of a local police man ("he's a good man") can override tax law in court.
Down where I live we don't have local police you can get all friendly and snugly with - faceless goons, frequently rotated between precincts is all you meet, they made sure of that.
Down here, I would be afraid of not making out of a 1 night in jail alive. And on top of that, they will still take what they think is owed by force, even if that means throwing my family onto the street while I rot in jail.
Yes, I am under racketeering "protection" by my state. No, I see no recourse other than leaving.
Also, clearly you and I live in widely different jurisdictions. Clearly the system of oppression is much more developed in my country, hence we constantly run into misunderstandings.
This screenshot was extracted from this insane presentation about "Stay A Compliant Bitcoin Company" - by a guy that wear a t-shirt saying "The mission to destroy fiat".. LOL guys see the hypocrisy ? You can't destroy fiat by being compliant and pay taxes and shit!
This is the pathetic status of Bitcoin companies right now - they all want to push the narrative that to go forward you must stay compliant. TOTALLY WRONG.
Where are the real bitcoiners screaming out loud "Bitcoin is FUCK YOU MONEY" ?
THIS IS PURE INSANITY! COMPLIANCE IS WHAT WILL KILL BITCOIN. I am tired of all this crap with compliance, regulations, "bitcoin policy" etc all bullshit crap.
When people will stand their ground and say enough is enough?
The state hates you and wants you dead. Not really a good institution to cooperate with.
I prefer to die but NEVER give up in front of a government!
Hmmm compliance wasn't the answer and it won't be ever. The best route to financial freedom goes through puffing as many cigarettes as possible and smoking away freaking compliance while buying that pack of cigarettes in Bitcoin. You can also buy beer cans in Bitcoin if you like.
You need to be ungovernable
Yes, fuck the system. For god's sake we agree on this.
I laugh out any government, more specifically I smoke them away. I'm ungovernable and unstoppable.