I recommend using the ToC. I personally prefer single page READMEs, because I can cmd-f to things, but we could probably rework the order.
I agree with your perspective, being able to cmd+f within one file is nice. Though, if I have it cloned (which I do), I can easily search the whole project pretty quickly, too (cmd+shift+f in VSCode)
Ah yeah I'm a total boomer and prefer to read docs in the browser.
cmd+shift+v in VSCode gives a nice preview of the current markdown file. I recommend trying it out if you haven't already :)
ETA: This is actually how I draft all my SN posts - markdown in VSCode, then preview in VSCode too.
I use it a lot for the newsletter but it's not as pretty.
This is further complicated by me preferring to code in light/grey mode but preferring to read in dark mode lol.