I'm going to add some comments on some quotes on your text, but this is some notes on the edge, I'm almost 100% on board with your writing.
By the way, when Bukele published the address where El Salvador's bitcoins are supposedly located, several bitcoiners started donating money to those addresses. See what I mean? Bitcoins donated to a repressive machine as by definition a state is? "But nobody tells us bitcoiners what we can do with our money!". Right, of course...
Indeed, the goverment depositant should just sign a message for that address.
And by the way, why do we let people who have obvious interests in L2s and sidechains tell us that Bitcoin is fine as it is, and that nothing can be done against Ordinals, and that we'd better suck it up and use Liquid? Ah, Liquid... that "solution to the scalability problem", as is eCash and Fedimint? If Cashu, Fedi and Liquid are "solutions to the scalability problem", I may not have really understood what Bitcoin is.... Now it turns out that using "tokens" issued by a certain centralized entity, and which can only be exchanged for Bitcoin if that entity keeps a server running, is that an alternative? And why don't we directly use Monero or BCH as a "scalability solution"? I really, really don't get it. I must have missed something...
About this, I think a rephrasal is a clearer way to state what I think you try to state: is that the tradeoff about confidence (i.e. relying on a third entity) is not optimal or you just don't like it.
Liquid, Fedimient and so on still -are- solutions to the scalability problem (you state it conditionally I don't think a conditional applies)
On the next quote:
An "open system" to fight censorship promoted by the man who censored the president of the USA and many scientists during the plandemy. The very same man that tries to sell you his hardware wallet "to improve your use of Bitcoin", that cannot be paid using Bitcoin. Man...
Nostr is a protocol, it doesn't matter that Jack or whoever promotes it. He is still working on the blue whatever so IMO is playing a double faced game. But really, nostr is a beacon of hope for communitations as much as bitcoin is for money.
Despite its current community (which do not truly grasp the point of a protocol) despite the current content, that protocol is a huge huge win.
I know how Nostr works, but I think it should be used as a tool, to solve specific problems, not to add it to all the applications because it's cool, right?