I also tend to agree with you... but...
  1. it's only 1 way of earning 500 sats a day. And actually it's more as you get a bonus when you transfer it on ZEBEDEE
  2. you need to take into account that those sats you can continue to stake - additional passive income
  3. 50 dollars as of today with bitcoin price at 20.000$ but do this for 5 years and check the price of bitcoin then...
  4. 30h a year is nothing ! Just do it then when you are on the toilet. You may be more than 30h on the toilet and while on the toilet you can't work :-) (this last point was just a joke...)
I don't know you, so maybe your time really is worth $2/hr. But I find it hard to believe that's true.
My point is that you're always doing something with your time.
If you instead spent that 5mins a day writing a thoughtful tweet (for example) you could (over time) build an audience of followers which is very valuable to leverage and to market your product/services to.
Or maybe you spend it learning a new skill that makes your time more valuable.
By "investing" time in these games, you're not building anything that lasts (like skills or reputation). You're just getting a pittance of sats. This behavior is ironically very fiat-minded.
These apps could decide to lower their rates or stop giving away money at any time. Then all that work is just $2/hr, nothing more.
Whatever you're doing, ask yourself if it's the best possible use of time.
@nullcount Some people in the world would love to work for 2$/h and I am also sure that not all the people with a job are spending their time doing something that will last. Some people can't even write !
I just propose an alternative... Maybe it will help some people ! Hopefully.