It was a coincidence. I realized I kept the same initial after the name change.
I have had some spirited and uncivil discussions with people who don’t believe in borders, language and culture.
I didn’t expect stackers to be woke or utopian or naive and in some cases unhinged. Some stackers are immature like on Reddit.
Criminals and terrorists are not diverse.
Intelligence and criminal behavior are inversely correlated.
Intelligence is hereditary and has a genetic component.
We are not a blank slate. If you disagree, ask Steven Pinker who was disheartened and apologized for his findings: I have bad news: blank slate is fiction
I actually thought the Bell Curve might be a playful reference to the Midwit meme
(And Nassim Taleb, while being a very problematic character, was right on Steven Pinker. He's a fraud.)
Sort of, it’s a reference to the book Bell Curve which is about IQ , Charles Murray, 1994
I actually like Steven Pinker. I read his book How the human mind works, absolute masterpiece, very informative and insightful
I can’t stand Taleb. So obnoxious and petty.