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NONE of those. You better start reading more about Bitcoin because you lack of knowledge on that part.
I'm reading about Bitcoin as well. These, I mean literature was my first love, especially classical one. Sorry can't leave them.
Time is running out... Those books you will have plenty of time to read, when you already have a good knowledge about Bitcoin and stack and you just retire...
but if you retire and get addict to stacker news you will read no books ever
SN is temporary, for fun
this is the way we are all just passing through...
That's nice. What you do is fun and if we want to read literature that is infused with some godly imagination, you stop us and suggest to go all in Bitcoin even for reading. Great, SN isn't for fun for me. I am learning a lot here and I will take it with a mix of fun and seriousness.
Sure, I will double on my efforts for bitcoin knowledge but I need half an hour of dose of classics. Hope you won't mind it.
Dune, then Red Dragon, then The Talisman. I haven't read those specific Mailer, Vidal, and Lessing books, but they always tend to be worth reading.
TBH, I haven't read any of them. These are my brother's books who has just graduated and specialized in post colonial litrature. I also did M.A. in Eng. Lit. but I always remained side by side with antiques of literature.
Danielle Steel…… or Frank Herbert lol
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