First of, thank you so much for your work! Second, I have three human rights related questions:
  • What are currently the best ways to help people living in North Korea? What's the current top thing? Is it still USB flash drives? Does Bitcoin play any role?
  • What is the level of awareness in the African countries under CFA about their value being sucked by France?
  • I really enjoyed your essays and investigations on different countries. Are there more essays in works?
Thank you!
  1. After years of advocacy and analysis HRF considers sending information into North Korea one of the best things you can do to help. Military and political solutions to the NK problem are unthinkable or unlikely. So in the meantime we can help North Koreans help themselves by making sure they have access to more information:
Bitcoin is likely playing a nascent role in cross-border payments between South Korea, China, and NK, but it's too early too tell
  1. Complicated question. In certain CFA-zone West African countries there is a "France dégage" movement calling for an end to the system. In places like Togo, the entire human rights movement is based on financial freedom. But still, the overwhelming number of people have lived with the CFA their entire lives for generations so it's a bit like the water they swim in. Hard to imagine anything else. More awareness is needed. The best we can do is educate ourselves on the outside and help them build Bitcoin solutions.
  2. Yes. My next one is on Fedimints and their potential impact on the developing world and comes out next week!