Interesting, I just got a push notification that ~culture was transferred to me but it wasn't.
Anyone else received this push notification?
update: lol, now ~AI was resurrected and I got another fake territory transfer push notification.
@davidw going on a territory buying spree πŸ‘€
My bad. SN suspecting we're the same person perhaps, given we're already ~security / ~privacy twins.
Sorry if anyone else got pinged because I'm trigger happy and subsidising the SN server bill this month.
I got them both too
and me only testing with a single user
Maybe TS would have caught it.
Don’t worry, I’ll see myself out lol
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 20 Mar
I hope it would have, isn't that the reason for its existence? lol
One of many haha
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 20 Mar
Ok, we probably just sent out a territory transfer notification to every user with push notifications enabled when someone revived a territory.
Bug was most likely found1 and fix will be deployed soon!
  1. A variable was undefined when it should not have been and thus every user was selected ↩