pull down to refresh

@bitcoinplebdev @k00b I'm getting this error when crossposting in the past two days. Anything could I try to restore the fucntionality?
submit error: Nostr error: Timeout after 10000 ms waiting for extension
When tried to Unlink (after connecting a secon login option) and Re-link the nostr extension I get this error error: nostr extension failed to sign event timeouted after 5000 ms waiting for extension
What browser are you on? It's possible your browser security is blocking the extension. Sometimes I need ti disable on certain sites
using chrome and nos2x, it was working until two days ago 🤷
Thanks for the suggestion I checked the settings but can't find a similar option nor in the site settings
This means your nostr extension isn't responding to requests to sign messages usually.
It could be, there's a way I can reactivate? Also tried with flamingo and getting the same results
This is the message I get just before the 5000ms one
Deactivating and reactivating the nos2x extension after removing SN previous permission look's it did the job