Agreed. As long as its not 1 sat spam replies... but 1 sat is 1 sat...
The game theory is that it becomes too costly to run these bot armies, at least without enough suckers falling for the scams and feeding their machine. I mean, i know it costs money to put junk mail in my mailbox, but companies do it when they know the monetary tradeoff.
What are you talking? My default zap amount is 1 sat. I freely zap posts and comments, be they worth or not. Does that make me human-robot?
I guess its the sat-o-grams that annoy me. Imagine if your bank statements had 1 penny deposits from strangers that included spam memos.
Thanks for the money, but keep your spam out of my brain.
1 sat zaps are fine tho!! I zap 3 sats and give my finger a workout if I like something. Its like clapping πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
My kids make fun of me when I start tap tap tapping my phone really fast. They like the lightning though.
My daughter loves to zap on SN. I haven’t done it in awhile but I used to let her sit on my lap and go on a zapping spree.