I would prefer genuine zapping but if bots want to give me sats I am not going to complain. On social media the bot experience is highly annoying because they comment and even if they are just liking posts and not commenting you get a notification whereas on SN you only get a notification for how many total sats your post or comment has stacked so you aren't inundated with notifications of every single zap, which is a much cleaner experience.
I created a twitter account for the stacker sports territory and I think I have had 4 or 5 genuine interactions with that account on twitter in 5 weeks and the rest are all bots. It is pretty much unusable as a new account.
Twitter remains a mystery to me. I agree that the cumulative zap total notification on SN is a great feature.
And I think most of us probably don't mind getting extra sats, whatever the source. That's the magic of sats.
Overall, the experience becomes cleaner, as you say. And less irksome than legacy social media.
Sometimes my wallet of satoshi lightning wallet gets zapped satograms. I never mind. I don't read the messages. Thanks for the sat(s).
Agreed. As long as its not 1 sat spam replies... but 1 sat is 1 sat...
The game theory is that it becomes too costly to run these bot armies, at least without enough suckers falling for the scams and feeding their machine. I mean, i know it costs money to put junk mail in my mailbox, but companies do it when they know the monetary tradeoff.
What are you talking? My default zap amount is 1 sat. I freely zap posts and comments, be they worth or not. Does that make me human-robot?
I guess its the sat-o-grams that annoy me. Imagine if your bank statements had 1 penny deposits from strangers that included spam memos.
Thanks for the money, but keep your spam out of my brain.
1 sat zaps are fine tho!! I zap 3 sats and give my finger a workout if I like something. Its like clapping πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
My kids make fun of me when I start tap tap tapping my phone really fast. They like the lightning though.
My daughter loves to zap on SN. I haven’t done it in awhile but I used to let her sit on my lap and go on a zapping spree.