Nice post Natalia. One distinction I would draw is that I have also been successful paying in Bitcoin and getting someone set up with a wallet for the first time, but this is different than orange pilling. To me, orange pilling means that you have shown someone the Bitcoin light, that there is an entirely new monetary system that replaces fiat because it cannot be inflated. The newly pilled pleb then starts the long journey of reading, listening to podcasts, and eventually running their own node. Paying in Bitcoin transactionally can lead to orange pilling - and it sounds like you might have planted a good orange seed, but paying with Bitcoin only for it to get converted immediately to fiat is not quite enough.
Important is that they did the first step, the hardest one.
And Natalia helped them to do that 1st step in a most elegant way: earn them, not buying BTC. Once they've done that 1st step, it will come also the education and all that stuff and I am sure Natalia will take care about.
As I explained in many guides:
Very true.