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No no he is much too old for Tball now but my daughter plays In fact I just signed her up for this summer's season yesterday. My son does taekwondo. He is training for his black belt right now. Probably be at least another year before he is ready to test for it.
It must be bittersweet watching your girl play Tball. Like she’s stepping into her brother’s shoes
I love it. I was thinking about coaching her this year but they are still a bit too small for me to coach. I have a lot of patience for my kids but maybe not a group of 12 kids. I used to play baseball when I was a kid and teen and stopped around 18. At that point I coached baseball with my dad for a few years (he was coach and I was assistant coach) and I really enjoyed it but we were coaching older kids (12 and 13). I am not sure how well I would do coaching 5 and 6 year olds.