I almost forgot about that! I'm looking forward to it.
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If @k00b @kr @ek and the Devs get us a way to upload audio ;) then it'll be all up in your inbox.
Until then however... I might be able to DM you on Nostr ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ that could work 🤔 but I like to keep it all on SN. It's just a better place to be.
I could create an anonymous YouTube account, and then post up to it with no video, maybe that works?
But someway somehow I'll get you Coinkite blues with Pub on vocals.
I'm counting on it.
I think you can do audio stuff on nostr. I have seen people jamming on there before. No idea how it works.