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A couple of questions this raises:
  1. How would the people prefer to spend their time.
  2. How does this compare to 100 years ago.
Another question I ask myself quite a bit: if you would prefer to spend time in a different way, why aren't you? It's easy to come up with automatic excuses (I have no shortage of them, personally) but if I dig deeper, most don't hold up very well.
This is how the ‘alone’ group evolved
Good questions.
Another sad chart. So much loneliness. A lot of potential for AI companions. Not investing advice ;)
A lot of potential for Third Spaces to make a return. Sadly most Americans being separated by miles of road and concrete make these less attractive
Character.ai is a good example, I think companions AI and VR is going to explode.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
I don’t know how much this chart changed over time. But it kind of makes sense: people between 25-45 spend more time with children, also spend more time with partners once they retire, the age when people spend more time alone is about the same age when “children curves” turns downward. However, a comparison with the older years would be also interesting to see.
It is sad in a sense that older people spend so much time alone. I see it around.
You are never alone when you are on SN. Cool graph.
Do anons count? :)
nice chart. would love to somehow see ‘alone’ vs the rest of the world, on the same graphic.
Not exactly the same thing you asked for, but interesting on its own.
Wow. What are the Bulgarians smoking?
I guess it really depends on where you are in life. If you are single, of course you wont be spending time with children. If you have kids, of course during the 20s to 40s you are expected to spend time with them. I think this chart doesnt really show us new information....
Trump is missing :)