i go with 99, hoping someone else gets the satisfaction of tipping 1 sat and seeing an even 100.
i’ve also been thinking about ways to get more people to tip, or at least to change their default tip amounts to something more significant... thoughts on something like this in replacement of the current tip settings panel?
I had the same thought but instead of having this just appearing in settings, a small number of default options show-up when you hold-down to custom-tip.
Similar to cafe cashier tipping options where they anchor you on an 18% tip being the lowest option....
Only problem I see is if you accidentally fat-finger 80k sats to someone.
yeah there are definitely some fun ways to improve tipping here, will think more about the fat-finger issue, good call
Default tip amount could be public, that way we can shame people into raising it jk
haha these icons could appear under your posts if someone tips you in that exact amount… maybe a fun easter egg?
I like it. Kinda like reddit awards. Pay to add flair to posts/comments. Maybe it's a separate thing from regular tips. Maybe a portion goes to the SN treasury for reward distribution.
I like this idea.
I can see all the replies you've probably tipped. 😅
Are those number recommendations something ur browser does? I dont have them
this is all just a mock-up i did in figma, inspired by the emojis that appear below slack messages. wanted to try and give a value to certain emojis that people would recognize.
Help me out here! Missing one!