went to a local festival, I really like seeing people wearing traditional clothes, but even in Turkey, you don't see it everywhere now but only on some special occasions...
And I really enjoy seeing the elders dancing and having fun! Sometimes I think the elders know how to have fun more, while the youngs only know how to take selfies and scroll on their phones, not to mention that the last generations have better real-life skills, e.g. the mums can pretty much cook anything you ask, then a full skillset of cleaning, knitting, making jams...taking care of the family, even the cats around.
Also I like how it's always mixed here, most activities are for EVERYONE, from kids to grandmas! but I do not see this often in other places.
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and the details! 👀
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now you are thinking too much. 😂
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maybe I will indeed hide it next time for fun. 👀👀👀
Please do :)
Here, too, these festivals take place with traditional clothing that is no longer worn in everyday life. I know that it is also a very strong tradition in the emigrant community in several countries around the world, especially in France. I've often found myself wondering if people who see these traditional clothes will think that they are still worn in everyday life.
I can understand why people don't wear them too much now, like they are indeed less practical for daily and probably hard to be massive produced too. 👀
But I would like to integrate the traditional clothing into my daily ones, which I'm secretly doing atm.