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What a disaster. Oh but golden parachute for a soft landing for him.
This always happens whenever some billion dollar corporation screws up. The CEO is made the scrapegoat (even though he wasn't the only bad apple in the company) and is given millions of dollars in exit pay.
Mark my words, him stepping down is not going to solve any of these issues. These have started as soon as Boeing bought out McDonnell Douglas, who had a history of creating these type of problems by cost cutting and QA gutting. And after the buyout they made those guys the new heads of the company. So that's why Boeing is going from safety-first to profit-first.
And it's not going to stop unless there are criminal proceedings against the executive leadership.
For every C-level management guy loosing a job, there were 100s of useless middle managemt idiots that denied funding to engineers for reengineering parts instead opting to adjust old designs.
I remember 5 years ago people predicting this and how Airbus/Bombardier made the exact opposite decision for the same problem.
Can't the CEO come in and fire the other bad apples?
And it's not going to stop unless there are criminal proceedings against the executive leadership.
It will stop once people vote with their wallet and refuse to fly on Boeing plans.
Great take, they should have criminal charges!
This! Now that I’m good with!
He was never not getting a golden parachute. He is a big company CEO.
I know it’s a broken system. Opt out!