okay to play off this, what do you think about the whole drink from the mug 'signal' coincidence or trolling?
Ridiculous. So is the Morse-code finger-tapping thing. I know Morse code, and I know about tapping fingers. There is no connection.
Here are some coincidences that are blaring to me:
  1. He has skill as a programmer, but went to NYU for management. (Satoshi was narrowed down to the northeast given his timestamps and his financial adeptness)
  2. I looked at Satoshi's first git commit. His coding style appears to have originated from someone with a background in financial accounting programming (New York area). This correlates with Sergey's skills.
  3. His initials match that of Satoshi.
  4. The claim about his registering a domain name for smart contracts before bitcoin was released can't be explained away.
  5. The time he was in college coincides with the early development of Bitcoin, this could have been his pet project.
  6. Sergey, if preferring to vacation in Vietnam, may have also had a strong connection to Japanese culture (thus the Satoshi name)
  7. Sergey became a serial entrepreneur at the same time as Satoshi announced he would be going away.
  8. The common IP address pool/Russian proxy service between the two shows a close personal connection at the least