Last week when bitcoin dropped back to 61k I felt a lot of joy buying the dip.
Besides that probably when I bought my dad a snowblower for his driveway so he didn’t have to shovel anymore.
Getting your dad that snowblower must have been the best feeling in the world.
Haha until he got pissed and said “I didn’t ask for that”. He changed his tune later and uses it all the time now. I get it. No one likes when time takes things away from them.
After I posted my reply I imagined my father's reaction. What the f#$& did you do that for?
Luckily my wife is more civil than your dad. See response above ☝️
My next battle is to get him a pair of walking sticks (the ones that look like ski poles) for his daily walk. That’s going to be a tough sell.
This reminds me of the time when I bought Dyson, the world’s most expensive hairdryer, for my wife - and all she could do was mutter a shocked “Huh?”
Did she end up using after her initial response?