Socialism's a bitch.
In the US this is mainly only happening in NYC & the biggest cities of Commiefornia. The rules vary from location to location, but in NYC it's so pro-squatter that it's even illegal for the rightful owner to stop paying for the utilities for the squatter!
It's particularly easy for squatters now because of how long probate court takes to inherit a property... Leaving many homes empty for a year or more before inheritors can enter.
One trick I've heard that works well is to hire someone to squat the squat from underneath the squatters. It's as easy as making another fake lease doc, watching for the squatters to step out, then have your paid squatter go inside somehow, pushing all the squatter's stuff out. When the police show up the new squatter simply claims that he's the one that's been there for 30+ days, and you, as the rightful owner, can attest to that. ;)
this territory is moderated
Yeah. The Stossel video is partly an interview with a guy who reclaims people's homes for them, by out squatting the squatters.
Just had another idea: Claim asbestos killed your mom there, and that they are in danger!