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Companies use stocks as incentive: if the company does good because you put the effort, stock should appreciate.
Bitcoin will always appreciate regardless of worker performance. So in this sense it might be more suited for base comp or bonuses?
sure, i can see the value of using stock-based compensation for a company, but it seems like it’s a sub-optimal outcome for nearly all employees.
shouldn’t a job well-done be recognized with money? i was under the impression the only reasons tech employees actually like stock-based compensation is because a) everyone else is doing it, and b) because dollars lose value over time.
I always saw stock comp as lottery ticket unless: A) high growth cie backed by "major venture" B) mega cap Always ended up looking for more base comp instead.
For me, having a fixed percentage of base comp in bitcoin would definitely be an incentive over 100% fiat!
Nada. This isn’t why companies do this at all.
Most employees will rarely think about speculating against the dollar. Not everyone is a finboy